Blog | anthony jacquin.

Fulfilling the Need for Privacy: Strategies for Personal Reflection
The Power of Privacy: Nurturing Mental Health and Wellbeing Privacy is a basic human need that everyone deserves to have, regardless of their age, gender, culture, or nationality. It provides individuals with...

Feeling Capable: Enhancing Your Competency
As humans, we all have a basic need for competency. This means we have a natural desire to feel capable and effective in our actions and decisions. When we feel competent, we...

Discovering Your Potential: Strategies for Personal Growth
As human beings, we have a basic need to grow, learn, and expand our knowledge and abilities. This drive for growth is a fundamental aspect of human nature, and it helps us...

Fulfilling the Need for Meaning: Strategies for Finding Your Purpose
As human beings, we all have an innate desire to live a meaningful life. We want to feel like we are contributing to something greater than ourselves, and that our existence has...

Knowing Yourself: Strategies for Building Self-awareness
As humans, we have a basic need for self-awareness. We all have a sense of our true nature, our sense-of-being, and understanding this aspect of ourselves is crucial to leading a fulfilling...

The Power of Choice: Top 10 Strategies for Autonomy
As humans, we all have a basic need for autonomy. This need is rooted in our desire for control over our lives and our environment. Autonomy refers to the freedom to pursue...

You need safety and security. Here's what you can do to achieve that?
Here’s ten ways to feel more secure. As human beings, we all have a basic need for security. A sense of safety and security is essential for our well-being and development, allowing...

Feeling tired? Learn to satisfy your need for sleep
Here's ten strategies to get more quality sleep. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of life. It is essential for physical and mental health, cognitive function, and emotional well-being. Proper...

Drink Up: Top 10 Tips for Staying Hydrated
Water is an essential part of our daily lives. It is crucial for survival, and we need to make sure we are adequately hydrated to maintain good health. Our bodies are made...

Breath Well, Live Well: Enhancing Your Breathing Efficiency
Breathing is one of the most fundamental and critical human needs. Proper breathing not only ensures the supply of oxygen to our body but also helps to release toxins and carbon dioxide...

Sixteen Human Needs : Why it is essential to meet them.
Fundamental human needs that enable you to thrive As human beings, we all have fundamental needs that must be met in order to feel happy and fulfilled. These basic human needs can...

Is irritable bowel syndrome stress related? Seven ways to tell.
IBS is a stress-sensitive disorder, therefore IBS Hypnotherapy techniques should help managing stress, and stress-induced responses. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and have noticed your symptoms worsen during stressful situations, it's...